Group Outings

Estate hotel Woodbrooke offers the most spectacular activities for outings with colleagues, family or friends, in collaboration with various partners.

Below you will find examples of a number of popular activities that can be booked with us.

Do you have a group with broad interests and big age differences? Then we can certainly recommend a Beetle rally! After all, driving the most popular old-timer in the world together with colleagues or the family, the Volkswagen Beetle, is fun for everyone! Who hasn’t heard of this car?

Can it be something spectacular? Experience the rally feeling for yourself, and take off with our cool Buggy’s in the one and only Buggy Rally!

In the middle of the beautiful woody surroundings around Woodbrooke our maître will suddenly appear. Dressed in the typical white outfit and matching mask, he will accompany your guests on a genuine exclusive activity: fencing! Our maître (fencing instructor) will lead the way and teach your guests all the little tips and techniques of this special sport.
Has the team achieved something special this year? Target made? Reward them with a special surprise: Flying a Helicopter!

Getting some air in the afternoon or after a meeting? Experience the ball shooting; a sport which combines hiking with a game element.